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    Sun 22 Mar 2020 Mr. O'Connell

    Dear parents,

    If your child is one of the few who has been offered a childcare place while both schools are closed, and you have indicated this is because you are a key worker who does not have alternative care provision for your child while you are at work, you will be required to evidence why both you and your partner's work (if appropriate) is critical to the COVID-19 response. This could be your work rota for critical workers. 


    The principle of mass school closure is clearly to keep as many children out of school as possible, to help stop the spread of the virus. If there is a non-critical worker in the family, or childcare arrangements can be made elsewhere, it is expected that these alternatives are exhausted before considering taking a limited childcare place in a school. Once again, I attached a flow chart to help you make the right decision for the safety of your children and for the safety and welfare of our staff, their families and the wider community.


    If you are forced to use the place because both parents are undertaking critical work, then please bring your child to our Junior school (please note the Infant school site is completely shut until further notice). Please provide all the following and note that your child cannot be left with us if this information is not provided:


    • Details of the critical jobs of both parents and the times of work/shift details.
    • Contact details for both employers. Senior leaders at Derby Diocesan Trust will contact both employers to ensure that both jobs are CRITICAL to the COVID 19 response.
    • Emergency contact numbers for both parents. Parents and guardian MUST check phones every hour. If your child becomes ill, you MUST come and collect them immediately.

    This principle also applies to children who are vulnerable. Whilst there is a space, if your child can be at home then they should be cared for by their parent/carers etc.


    Thank you for your support with our efforts to ensure school care is only used as a last resort. It is important that we all work together in our aims to keep our children, staff and everyone’s families safe.

    Many thanks,

    Mr. O'Connell

  • Important update re: Key Workers

    Sat 21 Mar 2020 Mr. O'Connell

    Good afternoon,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    As you know, both All Saints' CE Infant and All Saints' CE Junior schools are being closed to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus, as are all schools across the UK to help limit the spread of COVID 19.

    During this unprecedented period of school closure the majority of our staff will be working from home, in line with the government's social distancing guidelines. We have worked hard behind the scenes to prepare, to ensure our children can still access high quality learning remotely and during this time our staffing team still be fully engaged in supporting our children’s learning via Google Classroom. This will take a lot of time, effort and careful planning, to ensure our children consistently have access to a quality education during the time they are not in school. I am hoping our staff will soon be able to live stream learning during the day (thank you to Emily 's Mum for your help this morning!)

    It is important to realise we will only have a skeletal team of staff in one of our schools to be able to provide care for a limited number of children, for whom care at home is not possible. The government has set clear guidelines to outline which children should continue to be cared for in school premises during this difficult time. These include children who are vulnerable, and children whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response and that therefore cannot be safely cared for at home.

    Last night Mrs. Lee and I worked past 9 pm, personally speaking to over 120 parents who had applied for the limited places we can offer. I am sorry to report that we had received a great number of untenable requests for a place, from parents whose children are not eligible for the limited childcare resource we are able to offer. Our initial ParentMail response indicated that we were set to have over 170 children with us (nearly half of both schools) - defeating the aim of the closure.

    We must all support each other in making sensible choices and whilst we have now issued places, we would ask that as responsible carers and parents, you think very carefully before taking a place for your child and ensure you use this service as a LAST RESORT, and use it during the times you are at work ONLY. Please think of others as well as your own family. It is critical that key workersthose who are critical to the COVID-19 response, are able to support our communities effectively, knowing that their children are being cared for safely and that our vulnerable children are supported.

    We need to all work together to protect and keep our community safe and healthy and accept that this will mean we are placed under some inconvenience.

    Please remember, if one parent can work from home then the children must be at home also. Careful planning between parents/careers to manage shifts of work, to balance the responsibility of childcare within the home should also be considered whenever possible.

    We may need to phone you for further information and clarification.

    We are conveying this message in the strongest terms for the safety of our school community and beyond.

    It is very important we work together during these uncertain times.

    If in doubt, please refer to the attached flowchart.

    Thank you for your support and understanding.

    Mr. O'Connell

  • Information for all parents

    Fri 20 Mar 2020

    Good afternoon,


    We have published a comprehensive letter which we hope provides information for all parents. You can access the letter on our website.



    We hope you find this information, including details of the children's continued learning, useful.


    Thank you to the parents who completed our Key Worker information form. We have reviewed the list and are in the process of contacting parents via ParentMail. We appreciate your patience with this process. Unfortunately the guidance only became available very late last night and we are having some trouble with IT demands.


    Please can I urge parents to familiarise themselves with the latest government guidance. This addresses the many questions regarding arrangements whilst our children are not in school.


    Guidance available:


  • Urgent information required

    Thu 19 Mar 2020

    Dear parents,


    I hope this message finds you well.


    Many thanks for your patience and support over the past 24 hours. It has been lovely to know that we are working with parents as we all support each other.

    As you know, school will be remain open next week, in some form, providing support for the children of 'key workers'.


    I'm conscious that none of us have any clear guidance yet from the government regarding key workers, other than they are parents who work for the NHS, emergency services or are delivery drivers.

    If you feel that you are a key worker could you provide us with the following information so we are in a position to resolve the challenge of staffing and catering.


    Many thanks in advance,

    Mr. O'Connell

  • IMPORTANT Information regarding school closure

    Wed 18 Mar 2020 Mr. O'Connell

    Important Update regarding school closure


    Please see a letter which has been sent tonight, 18.3.20 at 6 p.m, in light of the decision to close all schools from this Friday.


    Rest assured that we have clear plans in place so we will be able to continue to support you, in providing learning for the children and we look forward to the children accessing their learning online.


    Many thanks,

    Mr. O'Connell


  • HOME LEARNING SUPPORT (in the event of a school closure)

    Tue 17 Mar 2020 Mr. O'Connell

    Dear parents, 


    I am writing to provide details explaining how our staff will continue to support the children during the coming weeks.




    Rest assured that we have clear plans in place and our staff continue to work tirelessly. Both schools remain well staffed and the children at both sites are settled, busy and enjoying their learning.


    Our school office will be in contact soon with a short survey regarding computer/tablet/online access. Please can you complete this so we can plan to best meet the needs of all of our children and families.  


    Finally, please remember to refer to the latest information on our website.




    Public Health England blog:

  • Coronavirus advice for parents / carers

    Sun 15 Mar 2020 Mr. O'Connell

    UPDATED 15th March 2020


    Dear parents,


    We have issued a letter which outlines the steps we are undertaking to keep our children, staff and community safe.


    We have also shared information from the World Health Organisation which we'll be using to support our children's mental wellbeing.


    Both the letter and the advice from the World Health Organisation are available on our website under: Parents/Newsletters.


    Kind regards,


    Mr. O'Connell



    Public Health England blog:

  • March Newsletter

    Sun 01 Mar 2020

    Our latest newsletter is now available online. It includes:


    • Details of our new value which we are considering in Collective Worship: forgiveness (see the attached resource to support this at home);
    • Details of a new information booklet which explains how we support our children with additional need(s);
    • Reminder to look out for our Parents' Evenings slips which will be sent soon.
    • Opportunity to review the books and materials we will be using to teach Relationship and Sex Education;
    • Positive actions we have taken since our latest questionnaire and Parents' Forum to support friendship and address any fall outs/disagreements.
    • Information provided by Derbyshire County Council regarding coronavirus.
    • Opportunity to contribute to the retirement present for Mrs. Cannell, who will be retiring in late May.
    • Details of our new contact details for parents if you have concerns. 


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