iVengers - Who are we?
We are champions of all things computing and online safety in school. We are elected representatives from each class who strive to keep everyone safe online in school and at home.
Turn off and tune in challenge:
We all know going to bed and getting to sleep can be tough and we have worked with the iVengers support team to set a challenge for you.
We have taken on the "Tune in and Turn off" challenge. This challenge looks at turning off screens at least 30 minutes before going to bed.
We looked at why is is so important and produced a short presentation, which you can check out below.
The challenge will need parent and carer help, the children will need a signature to show that they have switched off screens 30 minutes before getting some sleep. May be even the whole house could try it too!! To see how much your family's sleep could improve!
Did you know, you spend 1/3 of your life asleep! So by the time you are 60, you will have spent around 20 years, just sleeping!
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