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Eco Council 2024/25

Meet The 2024/2025 Team

There are now four different ECO teams on the go that make up the All Saints' ECO Council.

The teams have all completed an ECO review to find out what as a school we are already doing well and what areas are priority for this school year for us to address.


These are our projects based on our findings:


Year 3: Biodiversity

Year 4: Energy

Year 5: Litter

Year 6: Recycling




Our PPT of projects

Welcome to the ECO team 2023-2024

This year we are working towards becoming an ECO school. To do this we have to carry out three projects over the course of the year. 


We carried out a review across the school to find out what we already do well at, and what areas we need to work on in order to protect our planet. From this review we were able to consider some environmental changes that we could make in our school and also our everyday lives. 


The first project highlighted for us to work on from our review was ENERGY.


So we have set about thinking: How can we reduce the amount of energy that we use in school and at home?


Our aims are:
To become more aware of how much energy is being used during the school day.

To become more energy efficient.

To share energy saving tips with the community so that our project has an impact.



What are we up to this term?

The Big Plastic Count

This term the whole school has got behind The Big Plastic Count. We had to count the plastics that we used at home and record the amount on a tally sheet. We had to then input our data to work out our class and school footprint. The count was organised by Greenpeace to make everyone more aware of the huge amount of plastic packaging that we all use.


Molly decided to write a letter as she wanted to make the community more aware of the issue. She is going to ask local shops if they will display letter. We are so proud of Molly for using her voice to make other people aware. 

Molly's Letter

Our ECO Code. We worked as a team to create this code for our school.

Summer 2024


We are absolutely thrilled that we have now achieved our Green Flag Award! 


Here are some of the comments made by the assessors about our application:


We love the variety of activities contained in your Action Plan; it perfectly demonstrates that there are several different approaches to creating positive change.


You have given young people a voice and empowered them to make a positive difference – everyone involved in your Eco-Schools work should be very proud.


Your Eco-Committee has made considerable efforts to keep their schoolmates and community up-to-date on their progress, using a variety of methods including display boards, newsletters, and the school website.


We were over the moon to read about your whole school projects like The Big Plastic Count which is a nationwide project that counts and analysis how much and what kinds of plastic we use and throw away.


The presentation from IKEA was very informative. It's no surprise that student engagement has been the highlight of your journey. You’ve inspired enthusiastic young environmentalists who are excited about sustainability and empowered to make a difference. You have helped them to grow in confidence and find their voice.


Your Eco-Code has clear goals that relate to your current Eco-Schools work and future plans you might have – it’s a great reflection of your ethos and achievements!


 In conclusion, we would like to say how much we enjoyed reading your application, and congratulate you on achieving an Eco-Schools’ Green Flag.


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