Parents considering applying for a place are warmly encouraged to make an appointment with the school office to visit the school. DDAT is the Admissions Authority for school. To apply for a place for your child at All Saints CE Infants and All Saints CE Junior you will need to contact the Local Authority: Derbyshire Admissions
Parents/carers considering application to All Saints are most welcome to visit the school by appointment. Please contact staff in either school office to arrange your visit. We look forward to meeting you!
Parents who wish their children to be join All Saints must make their application directly to the Derbyshire Local Authority. The telephone number for the local authority is 01629 533190. You can also find out more information via this link.
Our published admissions number is 60
The School Admission Appeals Code 2012 at Section 2.1 states that appeals for applications made in the normal admissions round, which in this case is Reception and Junior applications for September 2024/25, must be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals.
For decisions notified on National Offer Day, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.
For decisions relating to late applications notified after the National Offer Days, appeals should be heard with 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Further details are available on Derbyshire's website: School admission appeals - Derbyshire County Council