Our Approach
We believe the curriculum should be as exciting and as stimulating as possible but should also develop key knowledge that children need to know so that they can flourish in the future.
Our staff have worked to carefully identify the key knowledge and skills (which we call 'sticky knowledge'). Details of this can be found below, along with our approach to effective teaching.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The children in Early Years (also referred to as Reception) follow an Early Years Curriculum which staff have carefully designed and developed. This ensures all of our children attain strongly within the seven key areas of learning and development.
You can find out more about Early Years, our curriculum and provision, via the link below.
Key Stage 1 & 2
Children in years 1 to 6 follow the discrete subjects within the National Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Religious Education, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Art, Music and Physical Education. PSHE is also taught across school. Children in KS2 also learn French.
Curriculum Design
Our curriculum is designed to be knowledge rich and aims to support the children to know more, remember more.
Sticky knowledge and vocabulary is revisited so that it becomes embedded in the long term memory through a carefully planned out curriculum map and the use of knowledge organisers and graphical organisers. This is based on the principle that if nothing has changed in the long-term memory then nothing has been learned.
Curriculum Organisation
The curriculum at All Saints is carefully sequenced so that all children are well placed to move into the next stage of learning:
Want to know more?
We run a number of parent workshops throughout the school year which further explain our approach to the teaching of areas such as phonics, reading and maths.
If you have any questions, then please contact school via phone or e-mail.