Dear Parents/carers,
As you will be aware, an amber weather warning has been issued for the wider area. We thought it would be useful to update parents about our planned arrangements in case of bad weather.
It is the aim of our school to remain open during adverse weather conditions, when safe and practically possible. This is dependent on us having enough staff to safely open. We’re continuing to use the safety cameras provided by Derbyshire County Council to monitor weather in the wider area as our staff travel from across the county. (
We are opening school this morning and will continue to monitor the weather (and traffic conditions) and remain in contact with yourselves during the day. In the the event of a school closure the following steps will be taken to notify parents and carers:
• A message will be sent to inform staff, parents and carers via ParentMail
• A message will also be displayed on the homepage of our website.
• The school will contact the School Closure page of the DCC website.
• We will provide an update via our Facebook page.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to welcoming the children into school this morning (wrapped up in coats and hats as it’s very cold!).
Kind regards
Mr O'Connell