Our latest newsletter is now available online. It includes:
- Details of new links on our website to support well being and home learning including:
- The Book of Hope shared by the Literacy Trust;
- Resources to support mindfulness and self esteem from CAMS;
- Links to the optional Learning Packs from DDAT, for every year group from Early Years through to Year 6;
- A reminder of our Infant and Junior online safety rules;
- An invitation to take part in our Parents' Forum next Tuesday, the 12th May, using Teams;
- Update on Mrs. Cannell's retirement at the end of this month.
- Information from our Family Support Manager about a planned School Recycling Project.
Many thanks for your continued support. We know from our conversations online, over the phone and in person that you are making the most of the challenging situation we all find ourselves in. Please keep in touch and let us know if there is anything further that we can do support you and your family.
Keep safe and well.
Mr. O'Connell