I hope this message finds you safe and well.
Our latest newsletter is now available online and accessible via our website.
Our latest newsletter includes:
- Christmas dates! We've lots of exciting dates planned for our children including theatre trips, our nativity, Christingle and carol services. It's going to be a busy 2 and a half weeks! Please remember that you can find dates for the whole year online (including the additional date for the Queen's Jubilee in early June).
- COVID update: please continue to use the covid@allsaintsfed.derbyshire.sch.uk e-mail address if you have any concerns or would like to inform us of an absence.
- Arrangements for bad weather: advice and guidance as the weather turns colder. Please remember you can find our adverse weather policy online too.
- Online safety: we've included top tips from the Internet Matters (see attached) about how to help manage the amount of time the children are online. Please remember you can find lots of guidance (including our online safety rules and knowledge organisers) on our website (Parents/online safety)
- 5 star catering! Well done to our fab catering staff who - once again - achieved the highest possible rating. Well done all!
Phew! It's all set to be a happy and busy end of term across both schools. I hope to be able to see you before the Christmas break, either when on a chilly/damp gate duty or at one of our planned services.
Please keep your eyes open for any further messages as we look to safely enable parents to join in with our celebrations.
Many thanks for your continued support for the staff, children and each other.
Mr. O’Connell