Dear Parents/Carers,
As you are aware, over the past few months we have been working hard at All Saints’ to establish a progressive curriculum which meets legal requirements for the soon to be statutory, Relationships Education programme. With the help of all members of the community, through the use of open discussions, parent forums and surveys, we have created both a policy and proposed curriculum for Relationships and Sex Education.
Why are we including sex education into our Relationships Education programme at All Saint’s Federation?
From September 2020, Relationships Education will be a compulsory subject in all schools. Although Sex Education is optional in the primary phase, we believe our proposed curriculum will provide children will a safe space and opportunities to explore the changes they will face as they grow and develop. Additionally, a survey which took place in April 2019 found that of the parents/carers who responded, 95.3% were happy for the school to deliver Sex Education in a sensitive and age-appropriate manner.
What additional information and topics are we teaching?
Through consultations will all members of the school community, we have agreed to teach no more than what was previously covered at All Saints’ Federation. However, Sex Education teaching and learning is now woven into our proposed progressive curriculum throughout each year group as opposed to previously being taught solely in Year 5. The proposed content can be found in our progressive curriculum. Sex Education content is highlighted in yellow to ensure complete transparency.
We believe it is important that the content covered reflects the needs and wishes of the community and have therefore attached the proposed documents to this letter. This gives you the opportunity to read through them both and ensure the content is suitable. If you agree with the content, please can you respond to the ParentMail which has been sent out to all parents today.
Thank you for your continued engagement and support as we work together to create a curriculum which supports the children of All Saints’.
Yours sincerely,
Miss. Harcup
RSE Lead