
All Saints' CE Federation

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Fundamental British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we actively promote Fundamental British Values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.


Our children are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key Values are:


  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those who have different faiths or beliefs or none


How do we teach Fundamental British Values?


Britain has undergone rapid economic and social change in the last few decades and we live in an increasingly diverse society. We need to teach our children that it is possible to live together peacefully, each of them a valuable part of our multicultural world.

We don’t plan specific ‘lessons’ to teach children British values – they are included in everything we do. We deliver a curriculum which includes teaching children about British values – and preparing them for life in modern Britain.


It is important to work closely with parents as well – to let them know that we are going to be teaching their children British values as part of their day-to-day curriculum and give them some indication of the types of things you will cover - and remind them that the EYFS requires you to provide them with ideas which they can use at home.


Examples of ways we, as teachers and parents can help to teach British Values at school and at home:


    Design your own cards to give to family and friends.

    British values -  valuing family


    Talk about how children across the world will be sending cards to their family and friends.

    Teach children: we live in a multicultural and diverse world



    Let parents know that you are making cards and provide some resources so they can help their child learn more about hearts, flowers, colours etc at home.

     EYFS: working with parents.



    You might be on an outing to the local park or out and about:


    Look at flowers, trees, ducks etc.

    British values: learn about the world in which we live and be proud of what we see around us.


    Pick up litter after the picnic.

    British values: respect the natural world and teach children to respect the law, learn right from wrong and to have social responsibility.


    Visit the library for story time.

    British values: promote a sense of belonging in your local community.


    Or within your local community some of the children in your provision might be celebrating Diwali at home.

  • Plan some activities to involve all the children in, for example, making Diwali / Diva lamps. While making the lamps you are:

    • Teaching children about light and dark.

     EYFS: understanding the world


    Talking about the importance of light in different religions eg candles at Christmas and Hanukah (in the Jewish calendar).

    British values: learning about our own and respecting other faiths and beliefs.


    Or you plan a session to work through your behaviour goals with the children:
  • Each child has their turn to talk about what they think is important.

    British values: each child has a voice and is listened to; they feel important and that their views will be included


    You talk to the children about appropriate behaviour.

    British values: learning about right and wrong


    Discussions take place and every child has contributed their ideas.

    British values: we live in a democratic society


    Here are some examples of how British Values are embedded in our day-to-day curriculum:

    • We teach children to be kind, helpful and respectful of others;

    • We teach children to be an active part of their local community;

    • We plan to celebrate festivals and mark special days from the world around us;

    • We teach the children about compromise – that some of us believe one thing… some of us believe something totally different… but we can all play together in the same house (or group setting) and respect each other.

    British values: teaching about similarities and differences.

    • We teach children to work together – we provide them with projects that involve everyone in the provision and we plan group times, where children learn to listen, take turns and value contributions from others. This type of planning is a very important part of

    British values: teaching about shared values and working together towards a common goal;

    • We teach children about the world in which they live – the world on their doorstep and the wider world – through books, posters, planned activities, resources, outings and much more;

    • We teach children to listen and respect others…

  • Here are some ways in which we can teach children about life in modern Britain:

    • We teach children about the world around them and use the seasons, weather, special days etc to plan meaningful learning experiences.

    • We teach children about Britain, showing them the work of sculptors and artists to inspire creativity, listening to music to promote dance and drama (and listening skills of course).

    • We extend teaching, using the library and online sources of information and support them as they learn to respect others by introducing music, dance, art etc from around the world.

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