
All Saints' CE Federation

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Year 3

Snow Closure - 10/03/23


Good morning Year 3,


Well we've woken up to loads of snow!❄. Hope you are enjoying it and manage to get outside and make a snowman⛄


Below are some activities for you to have a go at today. There is also a recipe for some Egyptian flatbreads if you happen to have the ingredients in your cupboard. 


Don't forget also we have our ongoing TTR battle between the two classes. Who will be the champions by Monday?  Rev. Delafield has also set up a one day only TTR battle for the whole school so you may want to battle away on that one just for today. It's up to you.😊



Stay safe, enjoy your day. It's not very often we have a snow day. We will see you all on Monday.


Mrs Stone and Miss Klep

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