
All Saints' CE Federation

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Welcome back to All Saints'

Dear parent(s) and carer(s),


It has been wonderful to welcome our children back to All Saints’ CE Infant and Junior school this morning. Thank you for your continued support when bringing the children to school. We really appreciate your support by wearing face coverings and maintaining the space between each other.


Lateral flow tests for parents


We would like to share information regarding regular, rapid COVID testing for all parents (and adults within childcare bubbles). Our staff have been undertaking these tests, twice a week, since January and we continue to do so.


We would like to encourage as many parents as possible to take up this offer (primary aged school children are not being tested). The use of tests for parents can help to further reduce transmission rates and it gives us the best chance of keeping both schools open for interrupted education.   


You can find further information in our latest letter sent home today.


Thank you for your continued support.


Many thanks,


Mr. O'Connell



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