
All Saints' CE Federation

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Frequently asked questions

When a child first begins school the amount of information presented to parents can seem daunting, especially if their child has SEND. We have published a number of FAQs posed by parents relating to our school and SEND provision.


How can I find out what schools, social care and health should be providing for my child?

The SEND code of practice sets out how decisions should be made for children and young adults with SEND.


This is statutory guidance and all schools, local authorities and health providers must have regard to it when providing for SEND children/young adults.


You can find a copy of the national SEND Code of Practice on our website.


How accessible is your school?

Both schools have disabled toilets and a selection of specialist furniture within school to meet the needs of a variety of physical conditions, as well as lifts in areas with stairs.


Please contact us if you have any questions about accessibility.


What specialist services are available at your school to meet my child’s needs?

We work with an extensive range of services and professionals to ensure we meet the needs of each individual child.


We encourage these professionals to visit school as often as possible to work with our staff and share their expertise. Staff implement programmes of work linked to these professionals e.g. speech and language programmes, exercises recommended by physical therapies etc.


What training do staff supporting children with SEND have?

Members of staff have Paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding qualification.


Each year the needs of children within our school are carefully considered and training organised to up-skill staff. Over the past year staff have had significant 'Behaviour training' led by Derbyshire County Council; Positive play training; IEP training and several Teaching assistants are completing ELSA training. Also this year, Shauna Bridges is completing her SENCo training and will then be a fully qualified SENCo. 


How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom including school trips?

We ensure that all children are offered the opportunity to participate with activities outside of the classroom by making reasonable adjustments to the organisation of these. For example, we ensure children with SEND have an appropriate level of adult support if going out of school, we organise transport that provides appropriate access and staff complete a comprehensive risk assessment of any excursion to ensure all children are safe and included. 


How will All Saints' prepare my child for the transition between the Junior school and Secondary school?

Children with SEND are given an extensive level of support before they transition to a new school/site. Their teacher and our SENCo will discuss with secondary colleagues how many transition visits can be arranged over and above those offered to children without SEND.


Additional visits are sometimes appropriate and will be carried out with the child and Secondary School staff in the summer term. This ensures that bridges are built between schools, key information shared between staff and the child is given the opportunity to settle into a new routine with the support of a familiar adult. The SENCo has additional meetings with the secondary school SENCo (and other staff such as Head of Year) to discuss all the children with SEN and all necessary paperwork is transferred from their electronic folders.


Can my child attend All Saints' and then move to Special School Provision?

Children with SEND that have been issued with an Education, Health and Care plan can attend All Saints' for their Primary education. When considering the move to Secondary education, a child can then be assessed for Special School if a parent wished them to attend this type of setting. This must be part of a child's EHCP review and the SEND officer at Derbyshire County Council will consult with schools listed on the EHCP.


If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment or you may contact our SENCo directly.

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